Jungle Gyms Get a Break

Jungle Gym Climbing Frame

Jungle Gyms climbing frames are getting a well deserved break. It is that time of year when Facebook is full of lovely pictures of clean and tidy children dressed in clean and well ironed uniforms – it is back to school! The hours spent on their wooden climbing frame now a distant memory as the excitement of meeting up with school friends takes over. There is a buzz in the playground and it is full of excited chatter. Parents kiss their children goodbye as they run off happily into their classrooms and to top it off the sun is shining. The Jungle Gym Climbing frame can relax.

Jungle Gym Climbing Frame Sales

The start of the six week holidays is always a bit of a hill to climb, a daunting process. What to do with the children for six weeks and how to balance childcare. Parents across the country can breath a sigh of relief it is over, the children are back to school. Everything seems quieter now, Jungle Gym Climbing Frames are standing alone in gardens having been climbed and clambered over for the last six weeks. The great British summer that we have had, has certainly helped the sale of Jungle Gym Climbing Frames. Some days they have literally been flying out the door. These wooden climbing frames have been a great friend to children over the summer holidays, keeping them amused for hours.They have not complained once and stood up to parties and having friends over to play.

Jungle Gym Villa Climbing Frame

However, before we know it the children will be out of school, looking a lot less tidy than when they went in, and full of tales of the excitement of the day that they have had. A quick drink and a snack back home and they will be running back into the garden again, especially if this weather holds out. Our Jungle Gym Villa which has had a brief moment of rest will be back in use as they climb up the slide,  jump on the swings to see who can swing the highest and open the windows of the playhouse to announce the cafe is now open.

The summer holidays have been great fun, but there is something nice and comforting about getting back into a routine and before we know it, it will be Christmas!!!

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