At Crocodile Outdoors we understand that as well as quality, price is an important factor in buying a Jungle Gym Climbing Frame. In today’s economic climate people are looking for the best price possible when making large purchases.
We are constantly checking our prices to make sure that we are as competitive as possible. However, if you do find the same Jungle Gym product cheaper elsewhere, please just let us know and we will be more than happy to price match it for you.
We also offer free UK delivery on all our Jungle Gym Towers (excludes Channel Islands, Isle of Wight, Isle of Man, Scilly Isles, Scottish Higlands). If you live in the Channel Islands we are happy to deliver to a shipping company of your choice, and remove the Vat from your order.
We also make every effort to let our customers know about any special offers and discounts as soon as they are available. Stay in touch with all the latest offers on our Facebook page.